Your booklet will be trimmed to A5. If you supply
artwork in any other size, it will be resized to A5.
All files need to be supplied in PDF. If you created
your design as a Word document, you need to select
the ‘PDF’ option when saving your file.
When supplying your artwork, ensure each page
of your booklet is a separate file. We will put the
pages together for you.
Ensure your colour mode is CMYK. If your file is in
RGB, it will be converted to CMYK, which may affect
the appearance of your colours.
When saving your file, select a minimum resolution of 300dpi. If your artwork is flattened (for example from Photoshop), we recommend 400-600dpi.
Please supply your file with a 3mm bleed (so the PDF
size would be 154.5 x 216mm to be trimmed to A5)
and with no trim marks.