Let’s start with what is a traditional condolence book? A condolence book is a book in which family and friends can write their condolences following the death of a loved on. Traditionally, the condolence book will be displayed at the funeral where friends and family can input their messages. We have developed a mobile app in which allows you to create and manage condolence books from the comfort of your phone.
In this article we explain the pros and cons to both options, to guide you in your choice of condolence books for capturing the memories of your loved ones lost.
Traditional Condolence Books – Pros
It is what people are used to - As a human species, we like what we know. Generally, people know what a traditional condolence book is used and what to do when presented with one.
Authentic handwriting - Having a handwritten message can be a lovely personal touch to such a personal sentiment.
No download required - People do not need to download an app, or have internet access in order to add their messages to a traditional condolence book.
Traditional Condolence Books – Cons
Handwriting - Although this is listed as a pro, it can be a big con at the same time. Some people have poor handwriting, and this can make reading the content of the message difficult. On the same note, elderly people may really struggle to write and may avoid adding their message due to lack of confidence in their own abilities.
People feel rushed to add their condolences - People often feel ‘put on the spot’ or rushed when prompt to add their condolences into a book following a funeral service. Therefore, they may opt to add more generic messages, such as ‘sorry for your loss’, whereas had they had enough time, they might have shared a memory, a story from their childhood and these messages would have far more meaning to the owner of the book.
Usually, you will only have a single condolence book - You will then need to make the decision as to who gets to keep the book following the funeral.
People have to be present in order to add their condolences - Leading to many people missing the opportunity to add their condolences. Whether they are not able to attend due to health issues, distance or simply had prior commitments, they may have wished to pass on their own memories/ condolences.
Physical photographs are required - You cannot ‘upload’ a digital copy of a photograph into a condolence book. Therefore, unless the guests came prepared, they may not have a photograph to share. Even if they did wish to add a photograph, they would need to have their original copied, or giveaway their own copy.
A Loving Tribute Books App – Pros
People can take time to add their messages - From the comfort of their own homes. Providing much more heartfelt messages, memories and stories of the past. Making the content of your book hold so much more meaning.
People can upload digital photos, without giving up their own copies - People will be able to find photos to add in their own time and will likely have these photos readily available on their device.
People do not have to be present - You do not even have to wait until the funeral service in order to download the app and begin to share your book. People who are unable to attend the funeral service can still be part of the farewells and pass on their condolences.
Purchase multiple books - Our app gives you the ability to purchase multiple books when sending your book to print. Which means you can gift the condolence books to all that may wish to have a copy. You can also download a PDF copy of the content to share with immediate family of the bereaved.
Purchase your books from your home - Following the loss of a loved one, any simple task can feel overwhelming. That includes a simply shopping experience. By using our app you do not need to leave the comfort of your home, to begin inviting guests to add their messages.
A Loving Tribute Books App – Cons
Phone/Tablet required - Our app is available on both IOS and Android, however you do need a physical device in order to access and leave messages.
Most importantly...
It is important to know that condolence books are not just for funerals. Condolence books can also be books of remembrance, which can be created to mark an anniversary of the passing of a loved one, or can be created at any time following a loss. We stress that the messages left in condolence books, should not just be condolences but should include happy memories, stories and photographs of your loved ones life. Enabling you to create a book full of wonderful snippets of their life, which you can use to look back and cherish for years to come.
Keeping the memories of your loved ones alive, captured on paper, for all of time.
Learn more about our books app and download here.